Black Iris - Skygazing at Riche Fenix

Black Iris - Skygazing, 22 august at Riche Fenix

The exhibition 'Skygazing' at Riche Fenix will feature artworks from Black Iris artists: Niki Lindroth von Bahr, Johan Thurfjell, and Marcus Mårtenson.

The expansive pupil of the Black Iris is fixed on the Phoenix bird soaring in the sky, lifted by the vitality of the artwork and art's capacity to infuse eternal existence.

Special thanks to Calle Carboni and Riche. 

Opening: Tuesday, August 22, 5pm - 1am. 
Where: Götgatan 40, Stockholm.

Open every Tuesday - Saturday 4pm - 1am.


More info:

Installation of Skyglazing, Carl, Erik And Marcus.

Installation of Skyglazing

Mattias Camner

Co-founder of Black Iris

Explosive Vision - Black Iris at Gasverket