Contemporary art and IT technology

When technology is not only for the best…

The amalgamation of contemporary art and IT technology, two constantly evolving and dynamic fields, has both positive and negative consequences on the art world. Although the advantages of technology are manifold, there are some grave drawbacks that can impair the integrity of the artwork.

One of the most significant drawbacks of IT technology in contemporary art is the uniformity of art styles. As digital tools and software become increasingly accessible, many artists tend to create art that looks similar in style, causing a dearth of original and innovative styles.

Another downside of IT technology in contemporary art is the loss of genuineness. Manipulating images and videos has made it easier to create counterfeit artwork, leading to the delusion of audiences. This not only defames the artist's integrity but also decreases the worth and significance of the artwork.

Moreover, the use of technology in contemporary art can cause a disconnection between the audience and the artwork, where the visual and interactive aspects are enhanced at the expense of emotional and personal involvement.

Another pitfall of IT technology in contemporary art is that it is often employed as a mere tool rather than as an expression in itself. Many artists use technology merely to create images or videos that look visually appealing but lack any real meaning or message, resulting in superficial and irrelevant artwork that adds little to our understanding of the world.

In conclusion, while technology has myriad benefits in the world of contemporary art, it also has its shortcomings. Homogenization of styles, loss of authenticity, lack of emotional connection, and financial implications are some of the predicaments that artists encounter when integrating technology into their work. It is crucial for artists to strike a balance between technology and traditional methods to preserve the integrity and worth of their work.

But these are just my thoughts…

Mattias Camner

Co-founder of Black Iris.

Infrastructure Architect. Art Curator.

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