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How to create your own e-commerce store? Is it easy to start? What does it cost? Do I have the knowledge to get everything together? Good questions ... Important to point out, if you have no idea about HTML or CSS templates, you will have a harder time putting your own touch on the page. No matter how much any web page solutions online say.

And yes, you need to have your own site and domain, to begin with. But there are some great websites that you can use to build your website. I have tried a few but the one that will describe is Squarespace.

Squarespace has four levels of subscriptions, the first level doesn't support CSS templates. The other levels include features for CSS templates to customize the page and more features for e-commerce and marketing. Also includes a separate email address etc.

I will now explain very simply what you need to do for setting up your webshop.

1 Register your own domain name (if you already have registered a domain name, you use that).
2 Begin to build your website, Squarespace v7.1 starts with some guides to help you out with the layout.

Click here -> Squarespace start site

3 When the site is up and you have created the shop in Squarespace you need to connect it with a payment service. An easy solution for payment is Stripe payment services.
4 After that, you will have to decide which postal service/shipping company you want to use. There is also a plugin for that. But depending on which country you are going to run the business from, the built-in shipping options may not be available. But it is possible to use domestic shipping companies and connect these with API support.

It’s not so complicated and there are a lot of help guides and chat support from Squarespace…

So what are the benefits? It’s quick to set up, you can build and customize your site and layout. The shop has a bunch of functions that send order confirmation to customers etc and it’s very easy to get going…

Squarespace, Domain,Stripe, Shipping…