McAmner is a blog site that provides a unique and engaging perspective on current topics

My name is Mattias Camner, I work as an infrastructure architect at Region Stockholm. I am also a Co-founder of the Black Iris art platform.

Bachelor's degree in computer science (Högskolan Väst).
Microsoft Certified (MCSA, MCSE).
VMware Certified (VCP-DCA, VCP-DT).
Certified IT architect Master (Dataföreningen).

The site features a wide range of IT architecture and IT infrastructure-related blogs, that cover a variety of topics and themes, including project management, Economy, Art, and emerging technologies.

In this blog, I aim to share my thoughts and ideas on various subjects. Please remember that all content is offered as-is, without warranties or guarantees.

Windows Enterprise Client Boot and logon tips
Mattias Camner Mattias Camner

Windows Enterprise Client Boot and logon tips

I will share some advice on what can slow down your Boot and logon times on Windows Enterprise Clients. Not cool if your new Windows 10 clients have almost the same boot and logon time as your Windows 7 clients in your production.

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