Differences between RUP and the Agile method?

If you have worked on some large IT projects, you have probably been involved in working agile or perhaps in a stricter project form, for example, the RUP model. Many project managers have adopted the agile (SAFe, SCRUM, etc) working method, which works well in IT projects that can change direction during the project. I thought with this blog to easily describe what I think distinguishes RUP from the Agile way and what similarities there are.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a system development process for the design and implementation of IT systems. RUP is based on developed and tested so-called "best applications" in an iterative development cycle. The idea is that RUP should be tailored to suit the individual organization and project. Wikipedia

Agile system development is a collective name for a number of system development methods that can be used in software development, also called agile methods or iterative methods. The methods follow the philosophy and principles formulated in the Manifesto for Agile Systems Development 2001 by a group of programmers. Wikipedia

What distinguishes RUP from the Agile approach?

I think the difference between RUP and the agile approach is that agile projects are divided into much shorter steps where you develop a small part of the total project delivery in each step. When this step (sprint) is complete, this delivers results to the customer/users. One difference is that RUP is a framework for organizations and teams, while the Agile method is more intended for a product team with strict/clear guidelines. RUP uses its predefined phases more specifically and these phases show what you do in the different phases. The role description is also clearer because the agile approach is responsible as a whole group instead of a person with role responsibility.

What are the similarities?

Both RUP and the agile approach have a project model that looks the same as a feasibility study, start-up, implementation, and completion. Even if you do not work in the same way, both RUP and agile are about the same model where you have several phases to go through. Both the RUP and the agile approach are also based on "best practice".

Can you run RUP according to the principles of Agile?

One could use the principles of the Agile approach and use the RUP phases preparation, establishment, construction, and handover but skip the iterative thought of creating the same steps in the next phase where they are needed and run a sprint version instead of 2-4 weeks and decision documentation, etc to increase speed and make the project more agile.

The End…

Mattias Camner

Co-founder of Black Iris.

Infrastructure Architect. Art Curator.




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